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Currently reading

Suzanne Collins
Veronica Roth
City of Ashes
Cassandra Clare
The Way of Shadows
Brent Weeks

Cleaning out my Kindle

I'm excited to announce that, in addition to rotating through Mockingjay, City of Ashes, and Divergent (which I read at night to my daughters, an excellent way to spend time with them), I'm finally reading a book for myself...again. I think the last book I read for pure enjoyment was Dance with Dragons by George R.R. Martin.


I spent Monday night cleaning out my Kindle as it was just too overwhelming. My Kindle was kind of like Netflix, where it's so hard to decide which book to open when there are so many available.


So, I searched online for a list of the best fantasy authors out right now and found most of the books I now have on my "planning to read" list. Last night I tried to start The Black Company by Glen Cook and I just couldn't get into it. I kept having to reread the same page twice. I hate having to work really hard to understand what I'm reading. So I've switched to The Way of Shadows by Brent Weeks and so far I'm pleasantly surprised. It's an easy read. Hopefully I'll make it all the way through this one.